
History books

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 23:31 Categories:

Przygotowałam dla Was materiał edukacyjny. Zawiera on podstawowe informacje na temat historii ksiażki. Warto ją poznać, aby bardziej docenić dzisiejszy, jakże łatwy dostęp do literatury. W przeszłości tak nie było.....

Historia książki

They write about us!

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 22:04 Categories:


Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 21:59 Categories:


Review of the book "We, the children of the station zoo"

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 13:34 Categories:


What quality do you value most!!!

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 16:42 Categories:
Among young people in the class I we conducted a survey on the topic: "What quality do you value most."
Many students of literary heroes seeking authority to substantiate their beliefs. In times value loss of we wanted to see whether it is worthwhile solicit qualities such as friendship, love, respect.
But worth it! Each of the students had mark three characteristics that he values ​​most.
In the survey, 35 students participated (20 girls and 15 boys):
See the results:

See the results:
The students most appreciate family, freedom, friendship, love, happiness.
They can not live without these values: honor, gentleness, goodness, generosity.
Are these features wałaśnie looking at their literary heroes?

The Bible - a book of modern man

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 14:46 Categories: ,
The Bible - a book of modern man.

 Presentations made ​​by our students show us how great value contemporary art is the Bible.
And what affects us? Is described in the heroes can be authority of the for us living today? It is worth to think about it.

Precisely today when lack of us authority figures and moral values.

Have a look at. I hope you enjoy.



Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 10:11 Categories:

Dear friends,

let's play puzzles on the pictures in which the book  is a topic.

Watch your time and enjoy!

preview30 pieceLIFESTYLE
preview30 pieceBook club preview48 pieceBook preview108 pieceGirl reading preview90 pieceTwo open books and magical bookmark


Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 09:56 Categories:

The main question for students was "Why should we read more?"

The film has three parts:

1st  part - students answered on question: Why do I like/ don't like to read?

2nd part - students worked in teams and they had to answer on some questions about project

3rd part - teacher Dubravka talked about why is so important to read more

This film was made by Samantha Rajković and Rene Vlahovac and all  students of 7th grade.


Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 09:53 Categories:

"The Tinkerbell" is a playroom in a Public Library in Sisak arranged for all kids from 3 years to school age where they are able to play different kind of creative games with their two teachers: Mrs Dragana and Mrs Brankica.

Here are their great first picture books which they made in very special technique: watercolors and sugar.
You can easily read their sweet child's stories.


Books not only to read ....

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 11:11 Categories:

The Book Sculptures of Su Blackwell

"I often work within the realm of fairy-tales and folk-lore. I began making a series of book-sculpture, cutting-out images from old books to create three-dimensional diorama's, and displaying them inside wooden boxes".
"For the cut-out illustrations, I tend to lean towards young-girl characters, placing them in haunting, fragile settings, expressing the vulnerability of childhood, while also conveying a sense of childhood anxiety and wonder. There is a quiet melancholy in the work, depicted in the material used, and choice of subtle colour."
Paper has been used for communication since its invention; either between humans or in an attempt to communicate with the spirit world. I employ this delicate, accessible medium and use irreversible, destructive processes to reflect on the precariousness of the world we inhabit and the fragility of our life, dreams and ambitions." (Su Blackwell)

Music by Harold Budd, 'How vacantly you stare at me'.

źródło: youtube


Side Web

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 13:53 Categories:

Na stronie internetowej lifebookart.weebly.com będziemy zamieszczać ważne, ciekawe i pomocne w prowadzeniu zajęć, materiały edukacyjne wypracowane w projekcie Life@BOOK@Art


Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 12:34 Categories:
Electronic tutorial

We begin to play in education. We will here show your interesting tips on how to use ICT tools available.
We want to create - an electronic tutorial!
We start with PicMonkey or "The graphics in the clouds":

Electronic tutorial


CODE 2.0

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 12:26 Categories: ,

CODE 2.0
Our project is gaining momentum. We learn how to search, select and gather information so that a
not to break copyright laws and rules of netiquette. In the course of discussions with students and teachers from the project we have developed CODE 2.0. Is to help us better and more safely navigate online resources.

CODE 2.0
View more presentations or Upload your own.

Make a video of your own at Animoto.


Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 12:23 Categories:
  And we have already done MY FIRST BOOK MARKS FOR THIS TECHNIQUE. Look, I'm sure you will like it!


legends of our cities

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 11:30 Categories:

During the March English teacher and Croat's teacher decided to work together on the same topic.
It was legends.
At first we read about Legend of King Arthur on Croatian classes and on English classes.
It was really fun when we had to work on great activities such as:
drove the modern suit for king Arthur,
make a comics
and wrote a letters to him or to his knights.
One group made a phone call with him as a reporter and asked him about his life.

The second activities was to explore some legends of our town Sisak.
We didn't have an idea how much legends are about our town.
Well, we did some presentations with our English teacher  Natalija Džafo and embed it on this page.
We hope you'd like it.

W Chorwacji i Polsce na lekcjach języka angielskiego i wiedzy o kulturze poznaliśmy rózne legendy. Czytalismy je po angilelsku i polsku. Przeczytaliśmy Legendę o Królu Arturze i ułożylismy do niej quiz.
(będzie dostepny w materiałach edukacyjnych).
Uczniowie mieli za zadanie poznać też legendy o naszym mieście Bogatynia.
Pierwsze wzmianki o istnieniu Bogatyni pochodzą z 1262 roku. Pierwotnie była niewielką wsią łańcuchową i jeżeli wierzyć legendzie, założoną przez rycerza Rychłę, którego sylwetka zdobi herb miasta. Bogatynia leży na Łużycach, których wschodnie fragmenty, położone między Nysą Łużycką a Kwisą, w 1945 roku znalazły się w granicach Polski. Od pierwszej połowy XVII wieku była najdalej na wschód wysuniętą częścią Saksonii. Południowo – wschodnia granica gminy to stara granica między Saksonią, a Czechami, ustalona w 1635 roku, kiedy to Łużyce przejął elektor saski Jan Jerzy I z rodu Wettinów. Była to nagroda za poparcie cesarza Ferdynanda w wojnie trzydziestoletniej. Miejscowość aż do 1947 roku nosiła nazwę Rychwałd. Szybkiemu rozwojowi wsi sprzyjała dogodna lokalizacja, osada powstała bowiem na szlaku handlowym z Drezna do Świdnicy. Mimo, że wielokrotnie ulegała pożarom, a w 1430 roku została doszczętnie zniszczona przez wojska husyckie, odbudowywała się szybko. Obok rzemiosła, najprężniej rozwijało się włókiennictwo. Od XVIII w. słynęła już Bogatynia jako ośrodek tkactwa chałupniczego, umacniając na dobre swą pozycję w przemyśle lekkim w drugiej połowie wieku XIX. Ponieważ tkactwo stanowiło domenę miast, które uzyskiwały nieraz zakaz uprawiania tego rzemiosła, w ich bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie zdarzały się konflikty. Największy wpływ na rozwój gminy miało odkrycie w jej okolicach znacznych pokładów węgla brunatnego. Pierwsze odkrywki węgla brunatnego powstały w okolicach Bogatyni i Turoszowa jeszcze w XIX wieku, a już w 1897 roku korzystała z tego węgla elektrownia Hirschfelde. Wydobywano go początkowo z kopalni głębinowych, a w 1904 roku powstała na terenie Bogatyni pierwsza kopalnia odkrywkowa - Herkules. Rok później wybudowano elektrownię.



Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 15:25 Categories: ,


gif maker



Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 22:35 Categories:

Project of the month

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 22:19 Categories: ,

Hi partners,
our school's  team applied for "Project of the month" and we got
this title. We are very happy and glad we can share our joy with you.



Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 14:48 Categories: ,

Here is a link to one great page for good readers.


Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 14:42 Categories:

The poets of our place were guests at Public library in Sisak at October 15th. Pupils of 7th grade are involved in this great project about life with books in art, so they decided to ask our local poets about their teenage life, habbits of writing, the dearest book in their lifes, etc.

That beautiful sunny day pupils were introducing Slavica Sarkotić, Marin Kos, Nataša Nježić and Bogdan Arnautović. Mrs Slavica Sarkotić has a job in our hospital as a tester in laboratory. She writes over 20 years and she wrote several poetic collections.
The youngest is Marin Kos. He is a student in Secondary school in Sisak and he is very mature for his age.His poems are very gentle and special, like he is.
Mrs Nataša Nježić was reading her great poems and talked about her childhood with the book in her arms.
Mr Bogdan Arnautović was awarded for his short story this year, but he was reading his poems and talked about his teenage life and how to became good writer and poet.

Look in this slideshow and try to feel the atmosphere at the Public library that day.


Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 14:24 Categories: ,

The school library is the most visited place in our school. Although it is really small space, pupils like to share their thoughts with our librarian Mirjana. They have said she was warm and nice person and she always had time for them.
Look what it's look like when pupils come to the school library.

Reading in The School Library Slideshow: Dubravka’s trip to Sisak was created with TripAdvisor TripWow!


Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 12:18 Categories: ,

The humanitarian action at school

On February 1st 2013 pupils and teacher of our school have started the humanitarian action of collecting funds for the purchase of new books in the school library.
We also have launched an action for donation of preserved books from the family libraries to school library.
This humanitarian action will last to April 15th 2013.
We expect great number of pupils, teachers, parents and families will participate in this project.


Action 1 - Pupils of 7th grade (CROATIA)
                    - Class I students of the Technical (POLAND)

A) During three monthes students were collecting plastic bottles and exchanged them for the money. In that way they saved about 40 €.

B) They have invested saved funds to buy 6 kg of gypsum, distempers, magnets, clasps for brooches and lacquer and they made figures and letters ready for sale.


 C) We announced sale of gypsum's magnets and letters for the next week. With money from the sale we will buy two new books for the school library.

D) The rest of the money will help the students of serious financial status.

        Finish as SHARE, Posted GIFTS TO OUR PARTNER!



Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 21:19 Categories:

Pupils of 5th to 8th grade observed how the books affect to their lives.
As they all like take a pictures with the mobile, we decided to create the exbition of their art views of the books.
Watch this great presentation on which they were working deligently.


Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 20:36 Categories:


First assingment was to make bookmark with a book's list inevitable in this school year. Pupils did it during the art lessons.

Book in painting

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 18:07 Categories:

"Wynalazek druku jest największym wydarzeniem w historii (...)
Pod postacią drukowaną myśl ludzka jest bardziej niż kiedykolwiek niezniszczalna; jest ulotna, nieuchwytna, wieczna (....).
Z trwałości przeszła w nieśmiertelność"
W. Hugo, Katedra Marii Panny


Chcemy Wam zaprezentować całą kolekcję dzieł malarskich, gdzie inspiracją, bohaterem była książka. Zapraszamy do obejrzenia:



Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 16:55 Categories: , , ,
Implementing the tasks of our project, we wanted the director of the school, teachers, and students can turn on in the the use of ICT in the school. To make this happen we had to start at school WI-FI.
In our school so far worked only on wifi network computer labs. Because the school is made up of two independent buildings away from each other, it was to create two networks. Both buildings consist of a ground floor and two floors, so the range must have been considerable. In the main building there was no network available to students, only available to accounting and libraries. The goal was one. Creating a wireless network available to students and teachers. Since our school has received an array of interactive, it was recommended that the computer in the class have access to the Internet. The main router is placed in the Registry on the 1st floor. The network is secured by WPA2 key, which prevents access to the people outside.
The auditorium has been installed expanded screen, with the projector and home theater system. In this way students can watch movies in the classroom. It is a lot easier to drive the lesson. In conclusion, the Internet has been expanded into two buildings. The teachers are happy because the classroom can benefit from the Internet. In this way, they become more interesting activities were varied with interactive content. Some topics easier to introduce lessons with video from the Internet, than explain it laboriously and with the handbook.

Matthew Prentki, III TI



Przyjazny komputer i przyjazna książka

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 12:23 Categories: , ,

Dzięki współpracy biblioteki Zespołu Szkół Zawodowych im. św. Barbary i przedszkola nr 6 w Bogatyni w dniu 05.03.2013 (wtorek) i 13.03. 2013 r. (środa) dzieci z grupy VI wzięły udział  w zajęciach "Przyjazny komputer i przyjazna książka". W trakcie spotkań w przeszkolu  dzieci poznają literaturę dziecięcą, ciekawych i zabawnych bohaterów literackich. Jednak tym razem maluchy odwiedziły naszą szkołę. Spotkania będą cyklicze, 2-3 razy w miesiącu.
W  sali komputerowej w trakcie zajęć dzieci poznają podstawowe zasady bezpiecznego i właściwego korzystania z komputera oraz takich programów m.in. jak Paint, Word. Zapoznają się także z możliwościami tablicy interaktywnej, rzutnika itp. Stworzą własną książeczkę i zakładki.
Podczas pierwszych zajęć dzieci przy wykorzystaniu rzutnika poznały regulamin pracowni komputerowej, dowiedziały się co wchodzi w skład zestawu komputerowego, jaką pozycję powinniśmy zajmować przy komputerze, poznały takie pojęcia jak: pulpit, ikony. Przedszkolaki wykonały również kilka ćwiczeń udoskonalających posługiwanie się myszą komputerową metodą: złap-przenieś-upuść. W zajęciach pomagali uczniowie ZSZ wraz z p. Ewa Gajek. Łukasz, Daria, Joasia, Wiktor i Konrad wykazali sie sprytem i świetnymi możliwościami pedagogicznymi. Dzieci otrzymały też na koniec słodką niespodziankę od dyrektora szkoły Pana Piotra Ernesta.

Click to play this Smilebox collage
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Free digital collage created with Smilebox


Happy Books Logo

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 23:20 Categories: ,
wspaniała współpraca Polski, Chorwacji i Turcji. Nasz projekt oddał należne miejsce książce!!


Warsztaty rękodzielnictwa

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 12:59 Categories: , , ,
Biblioteka szkolna zaprasza na warsztaty: "Papierowy  zawrót głowy".
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