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The lessons of cultural studies students learned the technique of creating images - collage. They decided to create
their works. SO TO WORK! Created collages titled "With a book in the background"
April 23 - World Book Day and Copyright
World Book Day and Copyright is established in 1995 by the UNESCO annual festival to promote reading, editing, and protection of intellectual property copyright.
Idea of the feast originated in Catalonia. In 1926, he performed with the publisher, Clavel Andrés Vicente. April 23 there is a national holiday celebrated reverently, as the day of its patron saint - St. George. In accordance with a long tradition in Catalonia, bestowing on that day woman with red roses symbolize having vanquished by the Holy Blood. George the dragon. Over time, women began to reciprocate gifts to men in the form of books.
April 23 is also a symbolic date for world literature. On this day in 1616 died of Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (the date of the death of Shakespeare is given by the Julian calendar, and the other two - according to the Gregorian). On the same day is the anniversary of the birth or death of other prominent authors such as Maurice Druon, Halldor Laxness, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla and Manuel Mejía Vallejo.
We decided to celebrate this feast looking for books and spring in our neighborhood.
"Who reads books, he lives a double"Umberto Eco"A book is like a garden that you can put into your pocket"Chinese proverb"Reading good books is like a conversation with the greatest men of past times"Descartes"Books are the company that the person selects"Montesquieu"Good Ksiaz is a type of alcohol - it goes to your head"Magdalena Sanozwaniec"No work of man can not survive the book"
author unknown
Drawings A.M. klasa I OTE
Pupils of 5th to 8th grade observed how the books affect to their lives.
As they all like take a pictures with the mobile, we decided to create the exbition of their art views of the books.
Watch this great presentation on which they were working deligently.
Try to make your own bookmark in this simple origami technique.

Look, I'm sure you will like it!
Look, I'm sure you will like it!
Enjoy the collages!

The lessons of cultural studies students learned the technique of creating images - collage. They decided to create
their works. SO TO WORK! Created collages titled "With a book in the background"
Collage (From the French: coller, to glue)is a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.
A collage may sometimes include newspaper clippings, ribbons, bits of colored or handmade papers, portions of other artwork or texts, photographs and other found objects, glued to a piece of paper or canvas. The origins of collage can be traced back hundreds of years, but this technique made a dramatic reappearance in the early 20th century as an art form of novelty.
The term collage derives from the French "coller" meaning "glue". This term was coined by both Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso in the beginning of the 20th century when collage became a distinctive part of modern art.
April 23 - World Book Day and Copyright
World Book Day and Copyright is established in 1995 by the UNESCO annual festival to promote reading, editing, and protection of intellectual property copyright.
Idea of the feast originated in Catalonia. In 1926, he performed with the publisher, Clavel Andrés Vicente. April 23 there is a national holiday celebrated reverently, as the day of its patron saint - St. George. In accordance with a long tradition in Catalonia, bestowing on that day woman with red roses symbolize having vanquished by the Holy Blood. George the dragon. Over time, women began to reciprocate gifts to men in the form of books.
April 23 is also a symbolic date for world literature. On this day in 1616 died of Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (the date of the death of Shakespeare is given by the Julian calendar, and the other two - according to the Gregorian). On the same day is the anniversary of the birth or death of other prominent authors such as Maurice Druon, Halldor Laxness, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla and Manuel Mejía Vallejo.
We decided to celebrate this feast looking for books and spring in our neighborhood.
We went to to the nearby meadow.
There was our wonderful photo gallery
under the title "The book in the background."
Have a look!
Have a look!
Scrapbook design made with Smilebox |
On the occasion of the book remind some quotes...
"Kto czyta książki, żyje podwójnie"
Umberto Eco
"Książka jest niczym ogród, który można włożyć do kieszeni"
chińskie przysłowie
"Czytanie dobrych książek jest niczym rozmowa z najwspanialszymi ludźmi minionych czasów"
"Książki są jak towarzystwo, które sobie człowiek dobiera"
"Dobra książa to rodzaj alkoholu - też idzie do głowy"
Magdalena Samozwaniec
"Żadne dzieło człowieka nie przeżyje książki"
autor nieznany
"Who reads books, he lives a double"Umberto Eco"A book is like a garden that you can put into your pocket"Chinese proverb"Reading good books is like a conversation with the greatest men of past times"Descartes"Books are the company that the person selects"Montesquieu"Good Ksiaz is a type of alcohol - it goes to your head"Magdalena Sanozwaniec"No work of man can not survive the book"
author unknown
Enjoy watching: "The book in the background"
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...And so in their free time playing with our friends.
A break in the school library...
A break in the school library...
"Caricature of our artists"
Drawings A.M. klasa I OTE
Wyk. P. Czubak
Wyk. K. Marcinonis
wyk. M. Michalak
Wyk. K. Bernaszuk
Wyk. A. Klemt
Wyk. M. Lencki