The exhibition of our project on school corridor
Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 11:28 Categories: edukacja, LIBRARY, Pupil's presentationsOdlična izvedba naših mama u holu škole u Noći knjige 23.4.2013.
Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 10:49 Categories: LifeBook, READING
Odlična izvedba naših mama u holu škole
u Noći knjige 23.4.2013.
Mame, super ste!
Excellent performance of our mom in the school hall
Nights in the books 23/04/2013.
Moms, you are super!
Mame, super ste!
Excellent performance of our mom in the school hall
Nights in the books 23/04/2013.
Moms, you are super!
The book in sculpture
Many artists in the world uses the old, the unwanted books to the wonderful works of art.
Students represent those of Polish artists:
Guy Laramee, Brian Dettmer, Alexander Korzer-Robinson, Chen Long-bin Chen Long-bin
Many artists in the world uses the old, the unwanted books to the wonderful works of art.
Students represent those of Polish artists:
Guy Laramee, Brian Dettmer, Alexander Korzer-Robinson, Chen Long-bin Chen Long-bin
Sculptures from books
Books you can read, you can watch and how they are already old, tired, well-read is you can throw them away. But the people with more vulnerable soul to works that give a second life! They create wonderful sculptures from books ....4.27.2013
The most beautiful libraries in the world
Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 23:14 Categories: Book, edukacja, LIBRARY
Students of Class I Technical gathered for you the most beautiful libraries in the world. View of!
The most beautiful libraries in the world
Uczniowie w trakcie realizacji zadań projektowych znaleźli kilka interesujących stron internetowych poświęconych książce.
Oto one:
1. http://www.bookmaster.pl/ - strona poświęcona kulturze tj. książki, muzyka, filmy itp. a także na tej stronie można kupić różne obiekty
2. https://ksiazkimlodziezowe.fora.pl/ - forum o książkach
3. http://lubimyczytac.pl/ - duża zawartość recenzji o książkach
4. http://www.bookstrefa.pl/ - ciekawe informacje o książkach np. na temat polskich i zagranicznych nagród literackich
5. http://nakanapie.pl - recenzje, forum, dostęp do audiobooków
6. http://duzeka.pl/ - jest to strona zajmująca się szeroko pojętą kulturą
7. http://magicznyswiatksiazek.blogspot.com/ - regularność pisania postów o książkach i ich różnorodność.
8. http://zapatrzonawksiazki.blogspot.com/ - jest po prostu genialny. Szata graficzna . sposób publikacji recenzji ( informacje wstępne czcionka no i pomysł rozpoczynania recenzji od cytatu wszystko to strasznie mi się podoba.). Dodatkowo czytając stronę zauważyłam , że lubię podobną literaturę co autorka tego bloga
9. http:// recenzje-leny.blogspot.com/ - tutaj podoba mi się styl jakim posługuje się autorka bloga.
10. http://kreatywa.blogspot.com/ - ten blog to prawdziwa kopalnia inspiracji i informacji. Książki, film, interesujące dyskusje pod postami , zapowiedzi, kącik językowy, klub dyskusyjny
On the occasion of the book remind some quotes...
"Kto czyta książki, żyje podwójnie"
Umberto Eco
"Książka jest niczym ogród, który można włożyć do kieszeni"
chińskie przysłowie
"Czytanie dobrych książek jest niczym rozmowa z najwspanialszymi ludźmi minionych czasów"
"Książki są jak towarzystwo, które sobie człowiek dobiera"
"Dobra książa to rodzaj alkoholu - też idzie do głowy"
Magdalena Samozwaniec
"Żadne dzieło człowieka nie przeżyje książki"
autor nieznany
"Who reads books, he lives a double"Umberto Eco"A book is like a garden that you can put into your pocket"Chinese proverb"Reading good books is like a conversation with the greatest men of past times"Descartes"Books are the company that the person selects"Montesquieu"Good Ksiaz is a type of alcohol - it goes to your head"Magdalena Sanozwaniec"No work of man can not survive the book"
author unknown
Enjoy watching: "The book in the background"
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We are looking for books and spring ...
Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 13:00 Categories: artbook, LifeBookApril 23 - World Book Day and Copyright
World Book Day and Copyright is established in 1995 by the UNESCO annual festival to promote reading, editing, and protection of intellectual property copyright.
Idea of the feast originated in Catalonia. In 1926, he performed with the publisher, Clavel Andrés Vicente. April 23 there is a national holiday celebrated reverently, as the day of its patron saint - St. George. In accordance with a long tradition in Catalonia, bestowing on that day woman with red roses symbolize having vanquished by the Holy Blood. George the dragon. Over time, women began to reciprocate gifts to men in the form of books.
April 23 is also a symbolic date for world literature. On this day in 1616 died of Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (the date of the death of Shakespeare is given by the Julian calendar, and the other two - according to the Gregorian). On the same day is the anniversary of the birth or death of other prominent authors such as Maurice Druon, Halldor Laxness, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla and Manuel Mejía Vallejo.
April 23rd, 2013 was really special in every way: we held the evening of the Croatian book in our school.
Organizators of this event was our librarian Mirjana Čubaković, but many teachers and pupils of 5th, 6th and 7th grade were there.
During two hours some parents were reading the best books of their childhood, pupils were presenting their favorite books and school team informed parents and students about our great eTwinning project Life@BOOK@Art.
Teachers of our school team organized short workshops which were related to books and reading.
How we spent our time you can watch on this short video!
Obrotowa książka - Yusuke Oono
We met with students to talk about reading.
We talked together on the question: Why should you read? Why do people today do not read books?
We have read the section in your the literature, which was filmed:
Michael Ondaatje The English Patient,
Alice Walker The Color Purple,
John Burnham Schwartz The road to forgiveness
Devoted much attention to the book, which is particularly suitable for young people Iqbal Francesco D'Adamo.Book Francesco D'Adamo is the true story of twelve-year-old boy from Pakistan - Iqbal Masih, who the world has become a symbol of the fight against the exploitation of child labor.
Raised in a poor peasant family, he was fired by his father into slave labor in exchange for $ 16, required the father to pay the obligation on the debt for the treatment of terminally ill second son. Iqbal worked - just like millions of children in the poorest countries of the world - from sunrise to new in inhumane conditions in the carpet factory, chained to their looms.
At just 11 years he found the strength to rebel, to believe that life can be different. His tenacity and courage contributed to the release of hundreds of other young slaves, though it came m to pay the highest price.
It is a very touching story about the indomitable struggle to regain freedom, the struggle with their own fears, about the struggle for a new tomorrow, a hope in hopelessness. He moves very well known in Poland, and very widely discussed in the world, the massive use of children in slave labor, children deprived of a normal life, love, carefree.
We talked together on the question: Why should you read? Why do people today do not read books?
We have read the section in your the literature, which was filmed:
Michael Ondaatje The English Patient,
Alice Walker The Color Purple,
John Burnham Schwartz The road to forgiveness
Devoted much attention to the book, which is particularly suitable for young people Iqbal Francesco D'Adamo.Book Francesco D'Adamo is the true story of twelve-year-old boy from Pakistan - Iqbal Masih, who the world has become a symbol of the fight against the exploitation of child labor.
Raised in a poor peasant family, he was fired by his father into slave labor in exchange for $ 16, required the father to pay the obligation on the debt for the treatment of terminally ill second son. Iqbal worked - just like millions of children in the poorest countries of the world - from sunrise to new in inhumane conditions in the carpet factory, chained to their looms.
At just 11 years he found the strength to rebel, to believe that life can be different. His tenacity and courage contributed to the release of hundreds of other young slaves, though it came m to pay the highest price.
It is a very touching story about the indomitable struggle to regain freedom, the struggle with their own fears, about the struggle for a new tomorrow, a hope in hopelessness. He moves very well known in Poland, and very widely discussed in the world, the massive use of children in slave labor, children deprived of a normal life, love, carefree.
Enjoy watchin
"The workshop decoupage"
Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 13:02 Categories: artbook, decoupage, edukacja
Decoupage is a popular workshop in our library of contact with the art book reader.
I invited to a meeting of parents and students.
We decided to renovate old book covers, brackets for library books, bookmarks, wood and metal.
For friends of the project made a container for pens and picture frames.
Thank you very much for your help for locksmiths class.
The practical activities have done a metal bookmarks.
Welcome to the movie "The workshop decoupage"
I invited to a meeting of parents and students.
We decided to renovate old book covers, brackets for library books, bookmarks, wood and metal.
For friends of the project made a container for pens and picture frames.
Thank you very much for your help for locksmiths class.
The practical activities have done a metal bookmarks.
Welcome to the movie "The workshop decoupage"
Warsztaty decoupage są popularną w naszej bibliotece formą kontaktu czytelnika ze sztuka książki.
W kwietniu zaprosiłam na spotkanie rodziców i uczniów.
Postanowiliśmy odrestaurować stare okładki ksiażek, podpórki do książek w bibliotece, zakładki drewniane i metalowe.
Dla przyjaciół z projektu wykonaliśmy piękne pojemniki na długopisy i ramki do zdjęć.
Bardzo dziękujemy za pomoc klasie ślusarzy.
Na zajęciach praktycznych wykonali dla naszego projektu metalowe zakładki do książek.
Zapraszamy na film "Warsztaty decoupage":
W kwietniu zaprosiłam na spotkanie rodziców i uczniów.
Postanowiliśmy odrestaurować stare okładki ksiażek, podpórki do książek w bibliotece, zakładki drewniane i metalowe.
Dla przyjaciół z projektu wykonaliśmy piękne pojemniki na długopisy i ramki do zdjęć.
Bardzo dziękujemy za pomoc klasie ślusarzy.
Na zajęciach praktycznych wykonali dla naszego projektu metalowe zakładki do książek.
Zapraszamy na film "Warsztaty decoupage":
Videoconference "Lesson of English and American literature"
Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 22:52 Categories: Videoconference
"Lesson of English and American literature"
Knowledge of a very handy online meeting with a school in Turkey. In April, we held a video conference with Turkey to learn English and American literature.
Students from both countries prepared their reading books:
- The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
- Slumdog Millionaire Vikas Swarup,
- The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde
During the meeting, students presented a short biography of the author, read the selection and discussed why you should be familiar with this literature, and was made into a film, which is the most liked in the book and film, why it's worth reading?
Students from Turkey prepared a surprise for us, taught us to do origami and sang a song for us.
The meeting was fantastic.
The project demonstrated that the book is an element that unites us and even more coming.
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