
Europen Quality label

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 19:08 Categories:
Congrats! Your school has received the European Quality Label for the excellent work in an eTwinning project "Life @ BOOK @ Art". This means that your work, work your students and your school was rated as representing the highest level.

Therefore, you will receive a certificate that you can attach to your website (web pages), or put in a prominent place in your school.
Once again, congratulations on this remarkable achievement, and I hope to meet you at one of the events organized eTwinning this year.

Serdecznie pozdrawiam,
eTwinning Team




Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 20:30 Categories:


TIC and tradition

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 14:09 Categories: , ,
In our school, ZSZ Bogatynia (POLAND) getting better combine technology with traditional TIC work in class. Here are some examples of our practices.



Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 11:20 Categories: ,

AutoMotivator is for making printable motivational posters or parody motivational posters. You choose the picture, colors, and text, and we make your poster.


National Quality Label IN CROATIA

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 09:43 Categories:



Video from Santiago de Compostela – Galicia – Spain

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 00:12 Categories: ,

Video from Santiago de Compostela – Galicia – Spain
About: Maruja Mallo (Galician painter)
School: IES Pontepedriña
Teacher: Josefina Taboada Adán



Narzędzie IT - Popplet

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 12:06 Categories: ,
Dzisiaj pokażemy Wam narzędzie do prezentacji naszych materiałów - Popplet



Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 00:05 Categories:


Warsaw 2013

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 14:59 Categories:
And so it looked like the award ceremony
in Warsaw:

Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.


Tutorial - Gimp - colorful eye

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 13:40 Categories: , ,
Today we present you how to make simple colorful eye in the gimp.
Have fun.

Tecik kl. IV TI



Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 10:25 Categories:
W dniach 7-8 czerwca 2013r. odbyła się w Warszawie doroczna Ceremonia wręczenia nagród dla najlepszych projektów etwinning. Nasza szkoła, Technikum w Zespole Szkół Zawodowych w Bogatyni, zajęła TRZECIE miejsce w Polsce w kategorii szkół ponadgimnazjalnych.
Z wielką przyjemnością jako koordynator projektu odebrałam nagrodę z rąk Pani Wiceminister Edukacji, Podsekretarz Stanu w MEN Joanny Berdzik.
Ceremonia rozdania nagród odbyła sie w Bibliotece Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Tam też miałam możliwość pokazać nasz projekt.

On 7-8 June 2013. was held in Warsaw's annual awards ceremony for the best eTwinning projects. Our project took third place in the high schools.
It is with great pleasure that I received the coordinator of the award from Ms. Deputy Minister of Education, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Joanna Berdzik. The awards ceremony was held in the Library of the University of Warsaw.
There, I had the opportunity to show our project.




Greetings from Budaševo. Dubravka


Projekt w prezi

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 23:59 Categories:

Pupil's presentations - Marathon reading

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 22:31 Categories:


Tutorila - Smilebox

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 00:18 Categories: , ,

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z kolejnym narzędziem do edycji naszych zdjęć i pokazania ich w niesamowitych efektach. Tym razem polecamy Smilebox.

Życzymy miłej zabawy z tą aplikacją:-)



Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 12:29 Categories: ,
W naszej szkole niedawno, my uczniowie dokonaliśmy świetnego odkrycia!!! Kolejne narzędzie ITC - PINTEREST Niejednokrotnie widzieliśmy ten serwis na różnych stronach, ale nie wiedzieliśmy, że może być tak przydatny!! Czym jest PINTEREST?
Pinterest to społecznościowa witryna internetowa, funkcjonująca jak cyfrowa tablica do przypinania informacji i umożliwiająca dzielenie się materiałami wizualnymi (fotografiami, plikami graficznymi, filmami itp.), ich organizowanie i porządkowanie, tworzenie i śledzenie kolekcji tematycznych, zyskuje coraz więcej zwolenników.
Serwis, utworzony w 2010 r., w 2012 r. miał już ponad 11 milionów użytkowników, a ich liczba wciąż rośnie.
Pinterest stwarza wspólną przestrzeń komunikacyjną, umożliwiającą otwarty dialog o źródłach oraz publiczne dzielenie się informacjami. W naszej szkole też założyliśmy taką tablicę. Szczególnie przydatna jest przy realizacji naszego projektu Life@BOOK@Art!! Dodajemy tam linki do stron szczególnie przydatnych w naszej edukacji. Niedawno zaczeliśmy ją budować, ale już teraz zapraszamy do jej obejrzenia:

żródło: bibliosfera.net


Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 12:21 Categories: ,
Chcemy Wam w prosty sposób zaprezentować jak skorzystać z program PicMonkey
Jest to świetny, darmowy program do grafiki, efektywej edycji zdjęć.
Zobaczcie jak działa:


Skorzystalismy z programu Jing http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html




Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 11:37 Categories: ,

Dzisiaj zapoznamy Was z programem PiZap.

PiZap to darmowy serwis online, dzięki któremu możemy edytować zdjęcia. Zwykle oznacza to ich poprawianie.
Nie tym razem. PiZap przyda się bardziej, jeśli chcemy zrobić komuś dowcip:-) PiZap umożliwia dodawanie do zdjęć setek różnego rodzaju efektów graficznych w postaci śmiesznych naklejek, komiksowych dymków, emotikonek lub ramek. Dzięki PiZap możemy także zrobić kolaż lub tapetę.

PiZap jak na tak stosunkowo proste narzędzie ma spore możliwości.



Književnica Melita Rundek u OŠ Budaševo

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 22:49 Categories:
Književnica Melita Rundek u OŠ Budaševo

Created by Dubravka Granulić

By Slide.ly - SlideShow Maker


The winner of the competition in Poland

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 12:07 Categories:
Our eTwinning project is among the winners of the competitions in Poland!

We are very happy!

Thanks for the great work of our partners in Turkey and Croatia!


Tools - Web 2.0

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 22:14 Categories:
At school, everyone is happy twenty-first century tools and applications that use Web 2.0 to work with students. Particularly useful is when you use the education of eTwinning projects.
Our experience shows that young people assimilates more knowledge when working on applications that know.
We want to present you the tools and applications we use

1. Tools to create creative photo gallery and videos
2. Collaboration tools
3. Presentations on-line
4. Editing graphics
5. Documents on-line
6. comics

7. Quizzes, crosswords, games
8. Mind Maps
9. audio Tools



Action "Buy the book to the library" 2013

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 23:29 Categories: ,
Action "Buy the book to the library" 2013

In our school, lasted two months of action
"Buy It or donating a book to the library" .
This year we collected books for a friendly kindergartens.
We have gathered a lot of fairy tales, of fairy tales and poems.
Children are very pleased the!
Each week we come with youth within the project
Life @ BOOK @ Art and read together our favorite books.
It is fun and integration of children and youth!

Action "Buy the book to the library" by ewunia ewunia on Slide.ly - SlideShow Maker

Sculptures from the book - Bookartyzm

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 01:07 Categories: , ,
Sculptures from the book - Bookartyzm

Bookartyzm, a new art form, which involves carving in the books. It's not about that, to destroy the books, but rather to use them as material and give them a new form.
Maybe instead of throw away or give to maklulaturę old or outdated books and magazines try to carve them?
Mastery in this area reached
Brian Dettmer, Sue Blackwell and Long-Bin Chen.
Maybe they will inspire you.
We give you the presentations on the topic of interest of our students from class I:

Slajd 1
View more presentations or Upload your own.
View more presentations or Upload your own.
View more presentations or Upload your own.


John Sebasian Bach and the Bible

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 23:50 Categories: , ,
John Sebasian Bach and the Bible

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 20:02 Categories: , ,

The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Students first class discussed about how to be tolerant.
Who provide assistance, who is our neighbor?
Topics very important, especially for the young.
Once again, the Bible has been helpful.
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus' parable read part of the
Good Samaritan.
Then one of the students made ​​the drawings for discussed fragment!
Proposal for for us: We the people must take care of yourself and your environment!
But, wanting to prove himself righteous, the man said to Jesus: “Who really is my neighbor?”
In reply Jesus said:
“A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jer′icho and fell among robbers, who both stripped him and inflicted blows, and went off, leaving him half‐dead. Now, by coincidence, a certain priest was going down over that road, but, when he saw him, he went by on the opposite side. Likewise, a Levite also, when he got down to the place and saw him, went by on the opposite side. But a certain Samar′itan traveling the road came upon him and, at seeing him, he was moved with pity. So he approached him and bound up his wounds, pouring oil and wine upon them.
Then he mounted him upon his own beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him.
And the next day he took out two denar′ii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him, and whatever you spend besides this, I will repay you when I come back here.’
Who of these three seems to you to have made himself neighbor to the man that fell among the robbers?”
He said: “The one that acted mercifully toward him.”
Jesus then said to him: “Go your way and be doing the same yourself.”
Luke 10: 29-37


And now we invite you to relax ... puzzles

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 22:04 Categories: ,

Media History cultural history

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 12:39 Categories: ,

Media, which are used by man, are not only tools for communication.
History shows that the dominant media in shaping the culture of the community and indirectly affect the social structure of the group.

Media History cultural history. Matthew of klasay I present today a great educational material. He described how, through the centuries have faded, known to us today, modern media: the word, letter, printed by radio, film, the Internet and new media. And the same culture book!


Literature and art

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 23:22 Categories: ,

Literature and art


The Little Prince

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 22:29 Categories: ,
Art inspired by literature: Young draws the comics.
Our student Iwona Class I draw comics:

"Meet the Little Prince
with a rose"


Year 2012 Year Prusa

Posted by Czytam, bo lubię | 12:40 Categories: ,

POLAND - Year 2012 Year Prusa On a proposal from the Literary Society. Adam Mickiewicz 36 international session of UNESCO voted honorary patronage celebration of the centenary of the death of

Boleslaw Prus - one of the greatest writers of the Polish and announcement the year 2012 - the Year of Prusa under the auspices of UNESCO.



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